Srinagar, : After a gruelling rescue operation spanning over eight hours, a 47-year-old man has been successfully brought out safely from a 40-ft deep well in Tangmarg area in Baramulla.
An F&ES official said that they are fortunate enough for being successful in bringing the man out of the well. “We had to fight every inch amid bone chilling cold to reach the man, who as per his family had fallen into the well while cleaning it”, the official said.
“As soon as we received the message, we reached the spot with men and machinery and launched a joint operation alongside Police and locals”, the official said.
“After over eight hours of gruelling rescue operation, we were able to successfully bring out the man from the well”, the official said.
“The man has been hospitalized for necessary treatment”, the official added.
Meanwhile, the family and locals have extended their gratitude to the F&ES and Police and also to locals for their efforts to bring the man out of the well safely. (GNS)